Friday, July 31, 2009

Away We Go

Right now, as I type this, we are driving up the 99 heading to Fresno. What special magical powers do I have that I can blog while driving up the center of our state? Well, for one thing, I'm not the one driving. Secondly, our friend is letting us use their computer which has cell phone like wireless capabilities. It is awesome! I've totally got something to do besides sleep and take care of D when he wakes up and realizes he can't move and starts crying! :)

This is our first vacation as a family! It should be exciting, we will be with other family the entire time. Tonight we arrive in Fresno, and go straight to bed. Tomorrow, my brothers, their families, and my aunt, uncle, and cousins arrive. (My parents came up today.) Tomorrow night, my grandmother and grandfather will have both their children, all their grandchildren, and ALL their great-grandchildren, all under the same roof. That's two sons, their wives, 5 grandkids, 3 with their spouses, and 5 great-grandkids! This has not happened in 6 years, let alone with the greats. What an amazing day it will be for my grandparents (all three of mine, as my mom's mom has come along for the fun!) Trevor and I have taken on the daunting task of cooking dinner for everyone. We were given THE BEST enchilada recipe from Dawn and Jason, and we want to share it with whomever we can! :)

Then on Sunday, we'll head out to Lodi for the ??st/nd/rd/th Annual Cull Reunion (my dad's mom's side.) Lots more aunts and uncles and cousins to catch up and hang out with. My grandpa will make homemade vanilla ice cream that my grandma grates a Hershey's bar into, making it Chocolate Chip Ice Cream!!! I can't wait, I haven't had it in years! I'm really so very excited for Declan to experience this. I grew up going to these reunions, EVERY summer, first Sunday in August. Then, adulthood came and other things were more important, like work, or not driving up north for one weekend. :( Or living in another country. Hopefully, we can make it to more reunions in the future.....

That night, we will drive to San Fransisco, caravaning with my brothers and their families. We are renting a house in Pacific Heights for two nights, and then on Tuesday, we'll head down to Monterey for another couple nights. Then home on Thursday. I'm excited to be on vacation with my family. It will be a lot of fun.

But I am nervous about taking care of D. He doesn't have a lot of teeth, so he doesn't eat a lot of foods.....or at least I have not tried to give him certain foods. This week should be a good challenge for us and hopefully stretch me out of my "I don't know what I'm doing" bubble, when it comes to food that is. I know we won't be able to keep up his schedule 100%, but I'm sure we'll survive that. At least we're not changing time zones! :) If you think to, pray for us this week that we enjoy our vacation more than struggle through it.

Though you have every reason to not trust me, I will still say that I will post pictures of our trip......someday. :) I have so many pictures already to post, but blogging has just been a low priority lately. I wish it wasn't. But it is. Until then, check out the blogs to the right, they're really cool, and usually way more up to date than mine! :)

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