Monday, September 29, 2008

The Incredible Spinning Baby

A few weeks ago, I laid Declan down for a nap like this....

3 minutes later, he was like this.....

(yes, I know he's upset, I'm an insensitive mother. :) )

5 mintues later, he was here....

5 minutes later, he was trying to suffocate himself like this....

(probably because he has such an insensitive mother.)

This was his final postition......

He never stays in the same position when we lay him down for a nap, or to go to bed at night. Even when he's dead asleep when we lay him down, he's in a new position when he wakes up. He also has a sound machine on the side of his pack-n-play (which is his "crib" currently) and it's set on "white noise" so that when the AC goes off at night, he doesn't wake up. Anyway, the last few nights I've woken up to chirping birds or a trickling stream because our little kicker has changed the sound! Can we say restless? Silly baby!!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Grandma's Blanket

At 3 months, Grandma made Declan a blanket, so Mommy naturally took pictures of him with it. (Grandma may have sutbly suggested such an event should take place!) :)

Taiko Drumming

Back on August 1st, we went to see some Taiko Drumming at Pearson Park in Anaheim. Last year, our friends Sean and Chantel Fox had invited us to go see some drumming with them and we LOVED it! So this year when they invited us to go again, we invited Chris and Larissa, and of course Gemma, to join us. Again it was really fun, not as great as last year, but it was a different group who performed and it was a shorter set I guess. Last year though we had a "pre-show" of a kids karate class.......yeah, not that fun. This year there were Hawaiian dancers, drums, and fire dancers!!! Way better! :) If you want to know what Taiko Drumming is, watch this and/or read this. It will make the babies attire make more sense!

Colton let Declan wear his Jinbe.

He wore his Happi Coat

And he let Gemma wear his headband!

Daddy and Dec watch the drumming.

The boys chill.

The Fire Dancer doing his thing....

Oh no, his head's on fire! Well, that explains the look on his face! :)

Gemma getting flirty with the camera.

Colton and Mommy watching the drumming.

Declan being lulled to sleep by the drumming.

Daddy walking his boy back to the stroller.

Monday, September 15, 2008

4 months

Declan had his 4 month appt today. We waited 45 minutes past our 4:00 appt time!! I know it's totally "normal" for a Dr. to be running late, you hear about it all the time, but with Kaiser, we've never had that problem. Dec was due to eat at 5, and had totally missed his nap, so the extra wait was not fun. We didn't get out of the appt till 5:30 cause we had many questions to ask, we were meeting with a new pediatrician, and then the nurse took almost 10 minutes after the appt to come in and give him his shots! Poor little guy was so tired and hungry, with the shots, he probably thought we were torturing him! But he actually recovered well from the shots, and I fed him in the car right afterwards. (PS. That was a new experience! I'm just glad I was comfortable enough to breastfeed in the car! It's getting better! Yeah!) It was a good appt though, we really like our new pediatrician, and depending on how the next appt goes, time wise, we'll probably stick with her. I feel like I can talk to this Dr., unlike the last one that didn't make me feel like she was really listening to me. Anyway, good new Dr.!

So what does everyone want to know? How much does Declan weigh?! Well, I'll get to that. :)

So I talked to her about his spit-up. Basically she's not troubled by it at this point. She says we could give him smaller feedings more frequently through-out the day, but then he wouldn't nap well and things are going good right now, I don't want to mess with it! Besides, he's growing and not upset by spitting-up, it's just inconvenient to do so much laundry! :)

And I talked to her about his pooping. Totally normal. Keep giving him gas drops. If he seems more constipated, give him a little apple juice. No need to change my diet.....YEAH!!!!!!!!! I was really worried about that. I have a freezer FULL of stored milk and I DID NOT want to throw it away. I'm so proud of myself for making that much, I would cry if I couldn't use it.

Let's see, anything else? Nope, that's everything! He's perfect still! Catch up with you next time!

HA! Like I would forget to share the good stuff!! So, his head is 17 in....that's the 75th to 90th percentile! "Heed! Pants! Now!" "He's gonna cry himself to sleep tonight on his huge pilla!" :) He is 26in tall....that's the 50th to 75th percentile. Is anyone else noticing a slight shift in proportions? :) And the weight...........................14lbs 8oz!! CHUNK-A-LUNK!!!! But, that's still 50th percentile, so I guess he's not that big. But he's big to me! I just have to get him to sit on his own so I don't have to carry him in that car seat anymore! I'm done with that weight training!

Alright, there is the latest. I don't know why I built up the weight thing, probably cause I was so excited to know that I figured everyone else was. Thank you for humoring me! Until next's another picture of D, in honor of his Great-Grandma Sugar's 84th birthday today!

I love you GG Sugar! Happy Birthday!!

And the rest.....

Here's the rest of the most current pictures:

I love these pj's, but he looks like a jailbird!

He sleeps like daddy....

Again, Dad being silly...

Oh, the funny things you can do with burp cloths!

I watched my niece Hope the other day, look how he's almost as big as her! He's 4 months, and she's 14 months, she's so dainty! :)

Do you think she'd notice if I pick her nose?!

And the staring contests begin.

He looks SOOOOOOOOOOO much like his cousin Luke in this picture!

He's not too happy about his "popped" collar.

Being tickled and laughing

Oh so exhausting to be tickled!

There really is a lot more, but those are more for individual blogs. Hope these made you smile! :)

Friday, September 12, 2008


I've been saying how big D is getting, and so here are the pictures to prove it. Starting from where I last left off....
6 Weeks:

Dad being silly with D at bath time

7 weeks:

A series of sleepy D...

8 Weeks:

Fun time with Papa

9 weeks:

D loves his wrist rattles!

...or is he just humoring mom?

10 Weeks:

Playing with Nana

We have a thumb-sucker on our hands...

11 Weeks:

Mommy wasn't paying attention....

She put my pj's on backwards!

I can stand!! (as long as my Grandma and Great-Grandma help!)

Really mother?

12 Weeks:

At Heather and Mike's Wedding

13 Weeks:

I can sit on my own.......ish!

Do you think his eyes will be blue? :)

I love my rattle, it's yummy!

3 Months:

Getting his hand and foot imprints! Can't wait to get them for real!

So there's up to 3 months. He will be 4 months on Sat, so I will post pics for this past month next....or sometime.....eventually! I hope you're not bored of D yet....cause there is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY more to come!